The Philippine E-Journals (PEJ) is an online collection of academic publications of different higher education institutions and professional organizations. Its sophisticated database allows users to easily locate abstracts, full journal articles, and links to related research materials.


Proquest has various collections on multidisciplinary subject coverage from scholarly, trade, and consumer publications. The institution’s subscription includes databases on Research Library, Publicly Available Content, and Coronavirus Research with more than 7,000+ publications.


The InfoSci Platform provides access to e-journal collection of 1953 titles. Its research friendly features include unlimited simultaneous access; no embargo of content (research available months in advance of print release); no DRM: Copy, Paste, and Print directly from the Platform; Full-text HTML and PDF viewing options; and formatted citations with ability to export to RefWorks and EasyBib. The e-journal collections include subjects in Business & Management, Computer Science & IT, Education, Environment & Agriculture, Government & Law, Library & Information Science, Media & Communications, Medicine & Healthcare, Science & Engineering, Security & Forensics, and Social Sciences & Humanities.