This service is an avenue for availment of the copies of the book
chapter, periodical’s articles, and e-books needed for research and academic
1) The Library User can request information resources through Google Form Link https://forms.gle/MVhadLFSUgqrf8A5A ChmscFTLibrary Facebook page, or ft.library@chmsc.edu.ph email.
2) The Library Personnel
will acknowledge the request submitted by the requesters within the day upon
receipt of the request.
3) The delivery of available material/s is
within two (2) working days from receipt of the request.
4) Only 20%
of the total number of pages of the material is allowed to scan to comply with
copyright law and fair use.
5) Document
scanning is for educational and research purposes only. Duplication and
distribution of scanned documents are highly discouraged.
6) The Library
User who availed of this service will be requested to fill out an evaluation