aaccup with Mr. RamosThe Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP) conducted a Preliminary Survey Visit on the twenty-six Academic Programs of Carlos Hilado Memorial State College, seven of which are under the College of Business, Management and Accountancy in Fortune Towne Campus last May 5-8, 2014.

The accreditation survey visit started with an opening program where Dr. Salvador B. Zaragosa, Vice President for Administration and Finance/Officer In-charge of the College, Dr. Orlando Z. Beñales, Vice president foa Academic Affairs, and Dr. Nomer P. Mangulabnan, Quality Assurance and Accreditation Director welcomed the AACCUP Accreditors. The introduction of Key College Officials and the Task Force/Committees of Accreditation followed. Thereafter, the accreditors proceed to the respective accreditation centers where programs under survey are hosted for gathering of information, observation, and evaluation.

The AACCUP Survey Team assigned for the CBMA was headed by Dr. Sotera C. Cagang, who evaluated the Bachelor of Science in Information Systems program. The members include Dr. Amelia M. Bonotan from the Cebu Normal University who reviewed the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy and Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology, Prof. Vicente A. Gilos of Visayas State University who assessed the Bachelor of Science in Office Administration and Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship, and Pro. Aloha P. Tolin of Negros Oriental State University who evaluated the Master in Business Administration and Master in Public Administration respectively.

The mentioned programs were evaluated in ten areas including mission, goals and objectives; faculty; curriculum and instruction; students; research; extension and community involvement; library; physical facilities; laboratories and administration.

An exit conference was conducted at the AVR, Main Campus where the accreditors presented their findings as to the strengths, areas that needs improvement and recommendations to the programs evaluated. The seven programs submitted by the CBMA for survey acquired the grand mean of 4.02 and above which means that the programs are qualified for formal visit within six months.   The survey culminated with the closing program where the team leader highlighted the overall impressions and comments on the programs under survey which was responded to with words of commitment by the College Officer In-charge, Dr. Salvador B. Zaragosa Jr.


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